Cape May Vacation Bike Trip Fun

Cape May Summer Biking Family Fun

Move over Lance Armstrong!

It doesn't get much flatter then south jersey's Cape May beach resort...which makes it perfect for biking and a fun way of keeping fit!

Cape May's flat terrain, shady tree covered roads, strictly enforced speed zones and historic architecture make it a great place to bike. But if your family is looking for that extra bit of adventure..that Tour de France...then you'll want to consider biking to Higbys Beach and perhaps even a trip on the Cape May Lewes Ferry to Delaware...and back!

Along the way, you can stop off at Duckies Farmers market to pick up some beef steak tomatoes for a great LongfellowHouse b-b-q on the back porch!

Enjoy historic lighthouses, picturesque harbors, oceangoing vessels, unique seabirds and, just maybe, your very own dolphin escort! The Ferry trip is about 17-miles (80-minute cruise) between New Jersey and Delaware. For specific schedule and rate info, visit

Great Family Memories

As kids, our Cape May vacation holiday meant at least one day spent oiling up our bike chains and checking the tire pressure on our beach cruisers. Sadly, I must report that some of us checked our tires a little to aggressively resulting in a 'pop goes the weasel' tire explosion.

Without dating ourselves to much...this was long before the days of Xbox video games, Lance Armstrong, BMX tricksters and fat knobby mount bikes with 21 gears. But even today, for those thirsting to get in the saddle and be like Lance...a bike trip to Delaware still holds much adventure for young and old bikesters alike!

Posted on May 4, 2008 .