Longfellow House - Fall Fine Dining, Wining Weekend Holiday Get A Ways

Longfellow House - Fall Fine Dining, Wining Weekend Holiday Get A Ways

Regular visitors to Cape May often boast of the towns eclectic restaurant scene. Our good friends at the Washington Inn, known for their decerning palates and fondness to tip and toast a good meal have put together a series of wine tasting courses.

That's what we call a 'tastey' subject.

Hosted by the Washington Inn (just a 3 minute stumble around the corner from our humble abode) and sponsored by the Mid-Atlantic Center for the Arts (MAC).

Unless otherwise noted, all classes are conducted at the Washington Inn, 801 Washington Street, Cape May, and are held from 1pm-3pm on Sunday afternoons.

Attendees must be 21.

Any questions - call 800-275-4278!

Cheers...where everyone knows your name... Bottoms Up!
Posted on September 6, 2008 .